Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Energy Dependence Day: Chapter 8 Quote

Upon reaching the entrance, Afaz suddenly found himself lurching headlong into one of the archway's pillars. Stunned by the pain, he could see nothing but explosions of color, dark purple, blue, and black.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Energy Dependence Day: Chapter 7 Quote

As Muhanned walked down the corridor, the Imam's eyes followed him coldly. Muhanned has no respect for me or Allah. How did this thief take over after Yaman's arrest? My donations do nothing more than line his pockets. It's definitely time to start taking matters into my own hands. I can’t just sit and watch the movement be corrupted.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Energy Dependence Day - Latest Review

Online Book Club Review

4 of 4 stars - "In addition to capturing the reader, Energy Dependence Day will also provoke thoughtful discussion of events and trends that affect our daily lives." L_Therese

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Energy Dependence Day: Chapt. 6 Quote

“If Americans don’t like what’s on the news, they simply change the channel. However, they all drive cars and many use heating oil to warm their homes. Our primary goal should be to raise the price of oil. Review the entire supply chain and attack it at its weakest points. Every time the price of oil increases, we’ll gain a bigger audience. No American would be able to tune us out."

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Energy Dependence Day: Chapter 5 Quote

“Have you learned nothing?” Yaman scolded him. “Things are not always what they seem,” he whispered tersely. “Sometimes, you must let the enemy think they've won in order to determine who your true friends are."

Energy Dependence Day